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Crystalchain | Food Traceability Solution - Merieux Nutrisciences
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Crystalchain | Food Traceability Solution

Crystalchain | Food Traceability Solution

Mérieux NutriSciences & Crystalchain bring a unique combination of food traceability expertise and the power of blockchain technology.

With Crystalchain, we are now able to provide our clients with custom food traceability solutions

What is Crystalchain?

Crystalchain is a blockchain-enabled solution customized to your needs to ensure your products’ full traceability. It enables real-time tracking of a product from farm to fork, with the highest standards of data security.

Blockchain is the best-in-class digital solution to ensure food safety and traceability from farm to fork. Our commitment? Providing customized support to each food ecosystem with its specifics and empowering each food player with full control over its data.

Food traceability became a global priority

Increasing globalised supply chains and evolving regulations are making traceability a priority for food and packaging manufacturers. Businesses must track sourcing materials across different production stages to demonstrate that products meet safety and quality standards. However, no single actor controls the entire supply chain as products are usually produced collectively from one network to another. This lack of visibility in third-party networks increases the risk of outbreaks and contaminants over products.

Multiple food frauds, safety scandals, and greenwashing trends have contributed to establishing an atmosphere of mistrust around food ecosystems. Now, more than ever, brands need to achieve greater produce traceability, and they can do it by leveraging the right technology. We offer custom food traceability solutions to support all food sectors.

Tailor-made tracking systems to meet your industry needs

Each food product is unique and so is each supply chain. That is why our experts tackle separately each food item when it comes to its integrity. Safety, quality, and authenticity need to be assessed independently for every single food system. Crystalchain and Mérieux NutriSciences partner to tackle food traceability challenges with tailor-made blockchain platforms.

We build custom food traceability solutions with your teams to manage specific product safety requirements and meet your consumers’ expectations.

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Schedule a 1-on-1 discussion with our digital solution experts

Contact us and find out how you can improve consumer trust and your bottom line with a tailor-made food traceability solution.

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