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Microbial Identification Services

Microbial Identification Services

Microbial identification, of both bacteria and fungi, is an increasingly important component in any food safety and quality program.

Our experts use state-of-the-art Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and bioinformatics analysis to deliver WGS solutions to the industry. We offer many strain differentiation and organism typing services including:

  • Pathogen serotyping
  • Ribotyping
  • Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

Our GMP-certified identification lab and molecular teams can support your identification needs using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry system, Vitek-MS, and Sanger Sequencing capabilities.

Importances of Microbial Identification

WGS provides in-depth DNA sequence information that allows for enhanced resolution of the entire genome and thus offers better discrimination between similar organisms than other identification or sub-typing methods. This can be important for root-cause investigations to correctly identify the source strain.

WGS and ribotyping can be effective tools for the industry when developing facility-specific environmental monitoring programs to determine if there are persistent or transient contaminating strains in their environment and to deep-dive into any problem areas. In addition, WGS can be used to monitor starter cultures for quality control.

Microbiology Resources:

Sample Pick-Up

Arrange convenient and secure pickup of your samples through our fleet of couriers.

Sample Supplies

Supplies are available for sampling, packing, storing, and shipping your samples.

MyMXNS Portal

Manage your daily food safety system with our easy-to-use, reliable customer portal.

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